
Friday, October 19, 2018

Life Education With Herald in 150 words!!!

Hello Bloggers,

It has been a very busy first week of school so far.

We started off the week, with Life Education with Herald. If you don’t know what this is, it is all about how people are feeling and problem solving. In this photograph, you will notice my group and I are looking at a picture of a pair of shoes.

Each group got a photo of a different pair of shoes and they had to describe who we thought the photo belongs to. One group had a pair of ‘ Barbie’ shoes while another group had holey shoes.

We got a pair of old muddy tan shoes. We thought it belonged to a male who is very active and loves hiking, but really once all the groups said what they thought she told us the actual stories and it was heartbreaking. It was about a young man who lost his parents.

Thanks for watching.

Blog you later.

1 comment:

  1. Great writing as ever Fehi. Here's a helpful hint for you... When you copy and past your writing from a document (because you want to make sure that it is perfect), to make sure that it doesn't bleed off the page - which is annoying - make sure you 'ctrl shift V' instead and that should eliminate this problem.
